

Ready to prep? Check out our courses


At Kaplan Test Prep, we're committed to your success. Study with us and benefit from 75 years of experience, as well as the combined expertise of hundreds of teachers, researchers, curriculum specialists and testing experts.

Our experience in the test prep industry ensures that we can offer you a unique combination of realistic testing experiences, expertly-trained teachers, and quality study materials.

Some preparation courses focus just on content, others focus just on strategy. Kaplan's curriculum covers all aspects of test preparation needed for a high score.

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Personalised learning

Your test may be standardised, but your prep course shouldn't be. Kaplan's preparation courses use a collaborative, customised, results-oriented approach. 

Flexible study options

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The best teachers

Our teachers are test experts and top scorers. But that’s not enough – only those who have a real flair for effective instruction succeed in becoming Kaplan teachers.

More than a course

With state-of-the-art diagnostic and prescriptive tools, each student receives their own study plan, and teachers fine-tune lessons to ensure progress along the way.


Looking for local live classes in your country?
Our Certified Providers offer live tuition in over 25 countries/locations.



Kaplan can provide customized courses for your school or institution - built around your requirements.

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